Wordless wednesday – survival kit

9 Responses

  1. Happy Wordless Wednesday.

    Is the chocolate nice??? I’m not into dark chocolate.

    visit my entry too.

  2. Perfect title for this. Happy WW!

  3. Yay! for gorgeous choccie but not good for diets! And yes, weighing at the docs IS criminal!

  4. I totally know what you mean.

  5. yum. yum. yum.

    too bad the diet started today 😦

    Happy WW!

  6. Oh yes please.

    Many thanks for the ring and the chocolate. Sophie was really impressed that I had been sent sweets in the post. Your hit counter and crafty blogs number is doing well. Want to feature youas promised at the weekend. Now that things have settled down at work and at home maybe I can get some stuff done! All the best Joanna.

  7. Dark Chocolate. YUMMY!

  8. Absolutely!!

  9. Want some! I’m sure I read somewhere that dark chocolate is good for you – andtioxidants that sort of thing. That’s why I eat one (in theory) square every day. (great excuse ay?) It’s medicinal you know.

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