Half Term Hint

I found this recipe as i find most brilliant things via Ali’s blog.  Follow the links, they are just amazing and so easy to make.  I agree with Ali re the Nigella recipe for a similar bun.  These are much easier, make a portion for one family and so no wastage.  The only tip i would say is go easy with the icing, if you use any at all.  Enjoy!!

Chillis when its chilly

Hello, cor where have i been.  Very busy time really, new years resolution of keeping a tidy house seems to take all of my time especially when my two year old follows me around like a little destructer droid! I honestly have never seen anything so little be capable of such chaos.  My sewing/writing room is now the room where i throw things in an effort to keep visible rooms tidy.  I don’t think even flylady would use the words hot-spot for this room in fact my sewing room may be the one thing that causes flylady to give up and retire.

I have yet to put anything new in my shop or write the article i was hoping to get accepted somewhere (anywhere) or start the second draft of my novel that i finished in November.  But, a quick slap on the face can come from the most unlikeliest of places – Masterchef.  One of the contestants on yesterday’s program said that she was pursuing a career in food as she didn’t want her children growing up thinking that their mummy had not followed her dream as what sort of example was that.  It really hit home as apart from the sewing, which lets face it is a new addition to my creativity, writing has always fuelled my creative drive.  I am not saying that i am particularly gifted but i can tell a good story.  But what am i doing about it, not even finding the time to write my blog….

So i have an idea for a sewing article which i need to construct a proposal for, a fab idea for a childrens’ book that i need to write having found an illustrator and an already written novel with a bloody good story line that i need to re-draft.  Not to mention sewing projects.

I need to spend less time on facebook, less time thinking about doing stuff and not actually doing it and more time getting off my ever growing backside and doing it.

Obviously in between looking after two children, trying to keep on top of the housework and being nice to Andrew.

It is ten years since we got engaged tomorrow and we are having an old fashioned date.  An early dinner at Ask in Milton Keynes followed by a film.  We are going to see Revolutionary Road, i am really looking forward to the film.

Then in a couple of weeks time it will be Andrew’s fortieth which finally gets me around to the title of this post.  I am hosting a Mexican Evening for his friends and some of the ingredients arrived today plus a new Mexican Cookery book that i have treated myself to.  The reason for the Mexican theme is many of Andrew’s family are Mexican or have at least lived there for a good chunk of their lives.

I get a lot of my ingredients from here.  I ordered them at two o’clock yesterday afternoon and they were here this morning.  Marvellous. Unlike the television that i am supposed to be waiting in for!!!

I will post photos of the party when it gets here, needless to say i have given myself a huge menu to cook but it should be a good laugh.  she says hopefully………………………………

Anyway a little photo of our snow to end a long, ranty, will it ever end post.  Have a good weekend bloggers


Check this out

I am a newbie to Twitter but having followed links found this charity event called Twitchiker.  How fab is that.  Twitter is a very strange thing but let me know if you become a Tweeter or Twitterer and i will add you to my list.