half Term Break

It may seem like i have dropped off the face of the earth but i havent posted for a while due to half term, which is turning out to be a fantastic one.  So far we have have had a friend round for the day, been bowling, gone to london and to the BRitish Library. Today we went here and it was fantastic.  So i will post properly when the week is over.  I hope yours is turning out to be as much fine as ours whatever you are doing.

Tagged again

hiya I have been tagged by the wonderful Anne at fabric and bags.  If you havent visited her blog or website go now her bagsare amazing.  Anyway I have cheated and copied the rules down exactly from her blog – sorry anne. 

So the rules …. I have to answer 6 questions about myself. At the end of the post, I then tag 6 people and post their names, then go to their blogs and leave them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read my blog. Then, I must let the person who tagged me know when I’ve posted my answers.
What was I doing ten years ago – 1998
Ten years ago I had just met Andrew (my husband) I was working in the City and doing ok.  I moved in with him in 98 and we got married 99.
5 things on my to do list for today
Clean kitchen as martha has jsut painted it with ketchup, put washing away, get olivers swimming stuff ready, take oliver swimming, put children to bed

Snacks I enjoy

Nuts (which is a bit dodgy as martha is allergic so it is a secret snack) Berries, cheese, chocolate

Things i would do if i was a billionaire

This is a bit tricky as i would hate to have that much money.  What would you do??? I do not understand when people go mad to try and 70 million on the eurolottery etc, you only read two years later how it destroyed their lives.  So, I would try to just give money to charities, friends and families and important causes.  I would make sure that everyone was mortgage free and that my children had money put away for them so they could be stress free later on as well.  But really a billion pounds is a lot of money.  If you asked Andrew what he would do he would be typing for about 4 days (we are very different in that respect!!)

Places I have lived

Warwickshire, London, Surrey, Bedfordshire

6 people i want to know more about

Marmalade Kiss

JoJo designs


Indigo Blue



 So check out their blogs if you dont already and see what ansers they give.  probably more exciting than mine!!!!!!!!!!.  Lots of photos coming up hopefully (when we can find camera which we think has been left at mother in laws!!!)

have a good weekend






Wordless Wednesday – A small patch of beauty

Have just read

this and it is fab.  For a completely fantastic tutorial click onto marmalade kiss and see how to make salt scrubs.

More sewing adventures and photos from the ball in my next post.  It is my birthday today, hubby in venice, oliver off school with tonsilitis so i am spending the evening drinking wine, eating an omelette (Cor i can live!!!!!) and using my new birthday present from my brother and his wife – piccies tomorrow!!!!!!

Also click onto indigo blue – she has said some fab things which have really made my day.  thanks Andrea and hello to anyone who has come here from her site

Please let me introduce you to……………….

Olga.  My finished feathered friend.  It was a complete bugger to make but is so much fun to look at it was worth every second.  I will delve into the process more tomorrow including where i got the pattern from but for now good night bloggers hello Mrs Chenin Blanc.  Would love to know what you think of Olga though so please share your thoughts.

Note to self……

Dear Joanna, when there are only two days to go before a May Ball that has cost £40 per ticket, a ridiculous amount of money on the right underwear (to ensure strapless dress of ebay stays up) and hubby has bought gorgeous necklace to go with dress. Please make sure that in future, the bag is made, sitting waiting patiently to be shown to the world.  Not as is the case, in lovely bits of folded fabric, a feather boa and a pot of beads pinched from a friend yesterday, on a shelf waiting impatiently to be started

It is Thursday afternoon, the Ball is Saturday starting at 6.  300 people from the village will be there and i have informed everyone about the stunning red silk bag with ostrich feather trimming that i will be taking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I started the said complicated bag 2 hours ago.  Have invented new swear words and jesticulations whilst sewing the silk.  Gathers??????  Who invented gathers???????????  Gathers in silk????  yes well, i have completed that part – thank the God of handbag making –  and i thought i would give you a sneaky peak at the WIP.  It should be finsihed tomorrow (Friday).  Mum is coming to control look after martha whilst i sew and do clever things with feathers, beads and wire.

I have done a bit more since starting this post and it is starting to look really good, although it will involve some handsewing grrrrrrrr.  Anyway hope you like the pics.

Off to take Martha to the doctors – AGAIN

Wordless wednesday – survival kit

So what do you do when?

you have billions of ideas floating around in your head and not enough time to fulfil/make them.  Plus on top of the ideas i have my mother in laws birthday present to complete and my bag for the May Ball to start and finish.  Bearing in mind i see the m – in-law on Thursday and the ball is on Saturday, means that i am feeling a tad stressed.  But as i was cutting out the red silk dupion for my bag this evening, three zillion ideas of what i could do with the left over fabric came flooding into my head.

When will i be able to do this?????

Its no good i am going to have to teach my two year old to sew.  I will post photos of my mother in laws present tomorrow or Wednesday when it is finished complete with the link to the tutorial.  fab present i thought. 

Horrid morning tomorrow.  Have a nurse appointment for a check up that all females have to go through( i think you know what i am talking about).  the problem with living in such a friendly village with my family around me is that the nurse knows all of them.  There is nothing worse than having to answer questions on your family posed by the nurse as she is pulling on her gloves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway photos soon, including piccies of the ring i made for my giveaway!!!!!!!!!

Going into my shop today



Hope you like it.  I have done some sewing with the fab cath kidston fabric that i bought.  But do you know what, it turns out i cannot sew zips into zippered pouches without cocking it all up completly.  Will share the mess up with you tomorrow

Enjoy the weekend

Wordless Wednesday – woo hoo a ring sale